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SEAGRAVE by Jean Short

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One definition of power is to make happen what one wants to happen, in spite of obstacles, resistances or opposition. There are many ways power can be transmitted, for example: by the written word, music, family, friends, nature, attitude, listening, talking, society, government, monarchy and electricity. To know the word of God is to know and experience His power. The list is endless. At this time we have the power to work “Together” for a common goal, to maintain the health and well being of mankind. Please be aware of others, be respectful, wear a mask and keep your distance. Notice: Due to COVID-19, the Pleasant Point Cemetery Board has cancelled the August 16th Decoration Service. Of course, there are still expenses for the up-keep of the cemetery and contributions can be mailed to M. Durward, 718 Skyline Rd., Oakwood, Ont. K0M 2M0. You can attend the cemetery at any time, but there will not be any service. We are anticipating and watching for the arrival of the hatchlings, at the maternity snapping turtle ward on River St., as it has been 60 days since the eggs were laid. Once hatched, the hatchlings will remain in their nests for approximately a week, before making their way to the water. They will only be about 1 inch in length, so please be extra vigilant when driving or walking in the area. A group of hatchlings are called a bale or flotilla. Nature is amazing. Happy anniversary wishes to Margaret and Don Real on their 56th anniversary on August 14th. August 9th was the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. The scripture reading was Matthew 14: 22-33, entitled: “Jesus walks on the water”. We will have times of stormy waves crashing around us. Each storm experience is different, but keep your focus and do not falter. It takes courage and trust. You are not alone. If you wish a personal prayer, grocery or medication pickup, a visit remotely or virtually, or to submit photos for coffee hour, contact Minister Stephanie at by email at:, or by text or call at 905-718-8086. If you wish to support the Seagrave Church, cheques can be mailed to Carol Coleman at 151 River St., Seagrave, Ont. L0C 1G0. For further options, contact Carol at 905-243-4628 or by emailing: Greenbank Lions Club is collecting tabs from cans. For information call Don at 905-985-3595. August 9th was National Book Lovers Day. It is not too late too pull out a good book and simply read. You can escape with a book, to any time, place or culture. If you have news for this column, contact Jean at 905-985-9921 or


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