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SEAGRAVE by Barb Martyn

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We have had time these past 7 months to reflect on and appreciate the beauty of the earth. I have taken pictures of various cloud formations, the flowers, the calming waters, the glorious sunsets, and this season the magnificent colours of the leaves. Each day, I see the changes in Nature’s landscape. Walk lightly upon the earth, live with respect for creation, stay grateful, and enjoy the dance of life. Last Friday evening, there was a surprise drive-by at the Seagrave United Church, in celebration of Minister Stephanie Richmond becoming an ordained minister, for the Greenbank Seagrave Pastoral Charge. The vehicles were decorated, horns were blaring, and there were lots of signs of congratulations, flowers, balloons and cards. Each car stopped, and the passengers spoke with Stephanie, bringing a very personal touch to the occasion. Reverend Stephanie said, “Thank you for those who came out and participated. I was blown away. It was so nice to see you all. My heart is full. Your support is amazing”. Happy birthday wishes to Kim DeBono, on October 2nd; to Jean Short on October 8th, and Glenda Hutcheon on October 8th. Best wishes to Len and Betty Somerville, who will celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary on October 7th. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who are dealing with difficulties at this time. Sunday, October 4th, the Seagrave United Church will celebrate its 114th anniversary with a virtual service on You Tube. The guest speaker will be Rev. Richard Parker. Sunday, September 27th, was Creation Time, the 17th week after Pentecost. The scripture reading was Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 and 11. Ecclesiastes is considered a scripture of wisdom. The question asked was, “What season are you in, in your life?”. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. God has made everything beautiful in its time”. You can view this very interesting service on Seagrave church’s website,, or on YouTube at Please continue to send in your photos for coffee time, or to contact Reverend Stephanie for a phone call or assistance, email, or text or phone 905-718-8086. The Seagrave Park Board needs help! They require 2 new Board members. They are also asking for community members to volunteer their skills for the odd project. Please email Dianne at for more information. The Seagrave Church outdoor food bank remains open every day, until Monday, October 12th. “Be aware of what season you are in and give yourself the grace to be there,” Kristen Dalton. If you have news for this column, please contact Jean at or phone 905-985-9921.


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