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SEAGRAVE by Barb Martyn

2020 has brought a lot of anxiety, illness, and pain, but it is time to pause and to reflect on the goodness, and all the things to be thankful for in our lives. Life is like a canvas of colours, which brings strength and beauty into our lives.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it” – William Arthur Ward.

This week’s news is filled with Thankfulness and Gratitude. This past week, the weather was absolutely amazing; record breaking temperatures allowed us to bask in the sunshine, and the sunsets were spectacular.

On Sunday November 8th, Rick (my husband) and I, travelled to Uxbridge Elgin Park to attend the drive-by, honouring veterans. It was absolutely incredible. We arrived at the allotted time 1 p.m., and there was a line up of vehicles, and motorbikes, as far as we could see east and west. We entered the park in 15 minutes, and thought we were moving along well, but much to our surprise there were 12 very long lines of vehicles, waiting to honour the many veterans seated and standing, waving and saluting passers by, along the roadway. We remained parked for 2 hours, and as we began to move, we looked back and the line up of vehicles was the same, with more waiting to enter the park. We estimate there would have been over 1,000 vehicles. There were bagpipers playing, a display of military vehicles from the Ontario Regiment Museum, members of the Legion, and an Honour guard from the Uxbridge Fire Dept. Everyone was waiting patiently and quietly, to honour and give thanks for the sacrifices the Veterans, past and present, have made, to give us the freedom, comfort, and peace, we enjoy today. We will remember!

Thank you to everyone who contributed non-perishable food, and gift cards to the drive-in at the Seagrave Church on Sunday, November 8th, in support of the Operation Scugog Christmas campaign. They received many gift cards, and a van full of food. Thank you to the organizers and volunteers. Great job.

Thank you also to the many who have placed painted stones and poppies on the cross on the Seagrave United Church front lawn. You still have time to add more painted stones to honour our veterans, or to pin a poppy onto the cross, and to take a moment to reflect on all your blessings.

Happy Birthday wishes to Joan Lee on November 14th, and we thank Joan for the musical talents she contributes to the virtual Sunday services.

November 8th was the Remembrance Day service, and the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. The scripture reading was: Psalm 28: 1-7, describing what our fathers have told us, and to pass along these stories to our children, so that we do not forget. Many participated in this virtual service, which was extremely meaningful and heartfelt. There were many pictures of veterans sent in by family and friends. Thank you one and all. Without your contribution, these services would not happen.

Rev. Stephanie will be on a study leave, from November 9th until November 16th. Therefore, there will be no virtual service on November 15th. If there is an emergency, contact Valerie at 905-985-3586 or email There will also be no Prayer Circle or Meditation Group this week. You can send in your photos for coffee hour, beginning November 16th, to Rev. Stephanie at or text 905-718-8086.

On Sunday, November 22nd, Greenbank United Church will be supporting the Operation Scugog Christmas campaign, between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., in the parking lot. This is for non-perishable food items and gift cards. Volunteers will accept and remove your donations from your trunk. If you wish a food pick-up, contact Doug at 905-852-7057 or email:

If you have news for this column, contact Jean at or call 905-985-9921.

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