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Scugog firefighters battle a stubborn fire on Scugog Island

DAN CEARNS, The Standard

SCUGOG: A fire on Scugog Island, on Monday, June 5th, is estimated to have caused $1,250,000 in losses.

Scugog firefighters were called to a dwelling, at 375 Carnegie Beach Road, a little after 1:30 p.m. The fire is estimated to have taken firefighters about four and a half hours to get under control.

In a Twitter post, Scugog Fire Chief, Mark Berney described this fire as "a hot stubborn fire for firefighters to extinguish."

Chief Berney told The Standard, the "origin, cause and circumstances [of the fire] are still to be determined." However, one positive thing he noted was, there were "working smoke alarms throughout the dwelling."

"One's safety can be enhanced by knowing your risks and taking actions to mitigate your risks," Chief Berney stressed.

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