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Scugog begins search for replacement of retiring CAO

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DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

SCUGOG: The Township of Scugog is looking for a new Chief Administrative officer (CAO), as current CAO Paul Allore is retiring. Late last month, the township posted a job ad for a new CAO, through Legacy Executive Search Partners. “Our ideal candidate for Chief Administrative Officer has a deep understanding of Public Sector administration, municipal finance, talent strategy and governance. As a successful senior executive, you have implemented strategic plans, complex initiatives and created opportunities that encourage development,” read the job posting. The CAO position is appointed by council, and is in charge of the township’s senior management team. The CAO ensures “the efficient operations of municipal services and business functions” according to the job posting. Township officials have confirmed Mr. Allore “will be staying until a suitable candidate has been found.” On Monday, July 6th, the township released a letter from Mr. Allore to the local community. “As you might imagine the decision is bittersweet. On the one hand there are exciting projects in the works and many opportunities on the horizon that I would thoroughly enjoy being part of, while on the other hand I am drawn by an overwhelming desire to provide more support for my family and new grandson, who fortunately live close by in Durham Region. In case you did not know, my wife and I relocated to Port Perry when I accepted the position. We previously lived in Bowmanville where we raised our three children,” the letter read. Mr. Allore was hired by the Township of Scugog in 2016, and has served under two mayors, Tom Rowett and Bobbie Drew. “They have my utmost respect and admiration. As well, our Council are dedicated and hardworking elected representatives who serve our community very well. Their job is a difficult one, so please continue to encourage and support them. Thank you Mayor Drew and Council for the opportunity to lead the Township administration. It has been a rewarding experience,” Mr. Allore wrote. Mr. Allore also praised the staff members he has worked with at the township. “Scugog is extremely fortunate to have an experienced and qualified management team, supported by hardworking and dedicated staff, who work cohesively to continually go above and beyond, to provide the best possible service. This supportive work environment is rare in my experience.” Mr. Allore lists a number of accomplishments he feels proud of, including: negotiating a successful municipal service agreement with the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), finding $601,843 in savings through a core services and efficiency review, successfully receiving $1.37 million in grant funds and leading the township’s emergency control group during this COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Bobbie Drew commented on Mr. Allore’s retirement. “It has been a pleasure working with Paul. His collaborative leadership style has inspired a positive work environment that promotes solutions and problem solving. Paul’s work ethic has been a tremendous attribute, setting a high standard as he led our team at the Township. His retirement is a great loss to our corporate family. I wish Paul a happy, healthy retirement enjoying well deserved time with family, friends [and] at the cottage.”


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