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Scugog Arts among organizations to benefit from latest Trillium Foundation funds

DAN CEARNS The Standard

SCUGOG: The Scugog Council for the Arts (SCA), also known as Scugog Arts, is one of seven Durham Region organizations receiving capital funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).

An announcement was held in Bowmanville on Wednesday, January 24th, which was attended by representatives of three recipients: the Bowmanville Older Adult Association ($19,200), Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Clarington ($81,000) and Scugog Arts ($15,900.) Other recipients of the foundation’s capital grant stream included Oshawa Senior Citizens Centres, the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, Boys and Girls Club of Durham and Ontario Philharmonic.

“Provincial funding that is received through the OTF’s Capital grant stream improves the infrastructure that Ontarians need to thrive. Whether it is purchasing equipment, building a new space, or completing renovations, retrofits or repairs, these grants support projects that are having a positive impact in the Region of Durham,” a press release from Durham MPP Todd McCarthy stated.

Neil Lumsden, Ontario’s Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport told The Standard what it was like hearing the impact these grants could have on these local organizations.

“It really brings to life what the impact is for people. That it’s not just going from the Ministry, to the Trillium Foundation and everyone’s happy. It’s finding out what it does.”

Marion Meyers from Scugog Arts talked about how the SCA has grown from past Trillium Foundation funding.

“We’ve become an arts and culture centre for a much broader geography than just our immediate Township,” she said.

Ms. Meyers mentioned tables, safety equipment and tents as things this funding will help this local organization invest towards.

Durham MPP Todd McCarthy stated Ontario Trillium Foundation funding “makes a huge difference” to the communities which receive funding from it.

“This kind of funding is just life changing, and it’s a real injection of support where it’s needed most. That’s what I’m most proud of,” he added.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of Ontario’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and

Sport, and a press release states its mission is “to build healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario by investing in community-based initiatives and strengthening the impact of the province’s non-profit sector.”

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