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Scugog allowing residents to store boats on driveways

DAN CEARNS The Standard

SCUGOG: Scugog has made a temporary bylaw change to help boaters during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Township announced, on Tuesday April 7th, they are suspending zoning restrictions, from Zoning By-Law 14-14, regarding storage of boats on residents’ driveways. “The suspension will remain in force for the duration of the COVID-19 Emergency and will apply to boats parked/stored on private driveways during the boating season,” read a press release from Scugog Township. For more information on this, people can call 905-985-7346 extension 121. The Township has declared municipal docks, piers and boat launches closed to the public, as part of the municipal closures in Scugog. “The Emergency Operations Team will assess daily the COVID-19 situation. We will evaluate our dates in relation to Regional and Provincial health information,” CAO Paul Allore explained, in a press release.

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