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Same message

We seem to be stuck in an endless cycle, because people simply aren’t getting the message about COVID-19 health restrictions. In the first wave of the virus, people were told to distance themselves and wear masks to protect others. But, there were groups of people who held anti-mask rallies or still gathered in large groups. To nobody’s surprise, this led to rising case numbers and further restrictions imposed by the Ontario government.

After cases started to decrease, people started to get complacent, cases rose, a second wave was declared, and new restrictions were put in place.

Now, we are in the third wave, and Ontario is seeing record daily COVID-19 numbers. Scugog recently hired a new bylaw officer, after reports of large gatherings at the lakefront areas. Also, Uxbridge Township, recently, has been concerned about the number of people using the skate park and improper distancing occurring there. Another wave, and yet people still don’t seem to be following the same advice we’ve heard for months, like stay six feet in distance from others, wear a mask and don’t gather in groups.

I don’t envy the job the local medical officers of health have. On top of having to stay informed about ever-changing government restrictions and working busily with health teams to contain outbreaks in the community, it must be frustrating to have to echo the same comments weekly, encouraging people to do what they should have been doing the entire time.

The only way we are going to get out of this pandemic is through consistent actions. We need people to follow health protocols for as long as possible.

I have to stress again, how serious this virus situation is in Ontario. People have died from COVID-19. Hospitals are nearing capacity because they are admitting so many COVID-19 patients. This is why Port Perry’s New Life Centre had to pause their baby delivery operations, as beds were needed at the hospital for non-COVID patients.

Everyone in Canada has been in this pandemic for well over a year now. By now, you’d expect people to get the message about following health guidelines. I shouldn’t have to be writing this message to people right now. But here we are. Now, I’m asking people again; please do what you can to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19.

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