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Salute to a stellar resident

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To say that Chuck Willes has had an outstanding career in Real Estate would be a gross understatement. Chuck has been a force in the business for 40 years and counting. Following a stellar upper management career in the tire industry Chuck turned his eyes to the Real Estate business joining Howard Forder’s company in 1980. In 1986 He teamed up with Cliff Crowell, Bill Ray and Al Bertrand to open Ridge North Realty in Port Perry. Almost 20 years later the business was sold to Coldwell Banker R.M.R and Chuck stayed on. He’s been there ever since and has enjoyed many top earner laurels. In recent years Chuck has been teamed with Kelly Renaud to continue offering his top notch service. Chuck has also been a big part of the Prince Albert church, singing in the choir and being involved at all levels of the local church. A Prince Albert resident for many years Chuck has been married for 55 years to Beth and they have 2 grown children (Paula and Mark) and 4 grandchildren (Liam, Owen, Kaliden and Logan). Chuck’s trademark has been his ability to relate to all people and has been known to tell more than his fair share of groaner jokes. He’s going through a rough period just now but with the help of all those he has touched over the years, will come through with flying colours. The local Scugog realtors all got together on Tuesday, June 30th for a drive-by salute at Chuck’s home in Prince Albert. That is the kind of support he has offered others over his long and illustrious career in Real Estate.

Shawn Lackie, Coldwell Banker R.M.R. Port Perry


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