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Rotary Club continues to lead to way on sustainability in Uxbridge


UXBRIDGE: The Rotary Club of Uxbridge recently received approval to work with the township on a local sustainability project this fall.

Michael Banh appeared before council at their meeting on the morning of Monday, Aug. 14 to explain the details of the bioswale project which will see native plants added to an area of Bonner Fields where there is currently a ditch in an effort to create a pollinator garden as well as eliminate standing water in the area.

“Currently this area is what’s called a ‘green desert’ and we have the opportunity to create a beautiful pollinator garden that will renew every year,” explained Mr. Banh. “We need to create these habitats to protect our food sources since more than three-quarters of the food we eat relies on pollinators.”

Mr. Banh also noted that the project to naturalize the area could result in a cost savings for the municipality since it will require less maintenance, such as grass cutting. As well, Mr. Banh explained that the initial costs of the bioswale would be covered by grants from TD Bank's Friends of the Environment program and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, totaling $10,000.

Councillors gave unanimous approval to the project, and directed the Rotary Club to work alongside the Parks Department ahead of the installation, which is currently planned for mid-October.

This is just the latest in a number of sustainability projects undertaken by the local chapter of the Rotary Club in recent years. As Mr. Banh explained the Club has adopted a section of Conc. 6 between Hwy. 47 and the roundabout on Durham Rd. 8, as well as organizing successful annual Earth Day clean-ups. The Club has also organized several tree planting events at the Fields of Uxbridge Recreation Complex and Bonner Fields.

Later this month, and in September, the Club will be tackling some invasive species on the town’s trails. Mr. Banh explained that the Club recently received a grant that will allow them to utilize specialized equipment to remove buckthorns from local trails.

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