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Pack-a-backpack a huge success

SCUGOG: Emmanuel Community Church did a Pack-a-backpack for OperationScugog and the response was overwhelming! They had people dropping off and picking-up backpacks, supplies, personal care items, gift cards and more. Once again our community steps up to help! Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed to ‘Pack A Backpack’. Thank you Emmanuel Community Church for your ongoing support. We were able to complete 13 Elementary and 18 High School Packs – included lunch bags and water bottles and a variety of school supplies. They will be delivered to the Food Bank for distribution. It is not too late to donate. If you would like to donate you can drop off donations to PPPrint at 201 North Street, in Port Perry. Or next Monday between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. at Emmanuel Community Church on Reach Street, in Port Perry. If you happen to know of someone who has a need for a backpack simply email us at

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