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Ontario-Wide Financial offers clients several mortgage solutions

Writer's picture: Colleen GreenColleen Green

DAN CEARNS, The Standard

ONTARIO: Ontario-Wide Financial provides its clients with a number of mortgage options.

“We provide financing for any purpose [and] have funding for all situations. We provide mortgages for clients with good or bad credit at competitive rates. Whether the issue is past credit problems, prior bankruptcy, self-employment, debt consolidation, renovations, short-term financing, mortgage arrears, or tax arrears,” the company’s website states. “In most cases, we can lend up to 80 to 85 percent of the equity in your home. We can also provide larger commercial funds.”

Owner Tracy Green, who has been a mortgage specialist for 35 years, expanded on what the company can do. “We can fine-tune mortgages to help people in all types of situations. Some Banks won’t lend to people who have property tax arrears or [Canada Revenue Agency] arrears or [who are] just coming out of consumer proposals or bankruptcies. We can do all of that. We also help a lot of people who are self-employed, who don’t qualify at the banks for whatever reason,” she said. “We do bridge financing, we do short-term financing. [We work with] people who have bought a house or [are] selling a house, who need interim money to put down on another house before the house sells. A lot of financing the banks are not interested in doing, [we will do]. I also help clients to get approved with the banks. Suppose somebody goes to the bank and they’re unable to get financing approved. In that case, there are other alternatives, other lending institutions, we will approach on our client’s behalf to get approved and still keep them close to bank rates. This keeps them from having to go through the private process, which we also provide at reasonable rates. We do a lot of credit clean up. While our main financing is on residential properties, we also finance out-of-town properties, farms and mixed-use properties, case by case anywhere in Ontario.”

She added, Ontario-Wide Financial also offers pre-paid mortgages, for clients who may be going back to school or are off work due to illness.

Ms. Green stated the reasons why she thinks people should use her company’s services.

“It’s an alternate solution, if the bank won’t approve clients [for a mortgage]; we offer different kinds of products; [and] I’m really good at what I do.”

She explained she enjoys working with people to create their optimum financial strategy or package.

“Because we provide people with mortgages, when they are turned down at the banks, it’s kind of like a jigsaw puzzle, putting together some client’s finances, in order to get them approved through alternative lenders; while providing an exit plan and hopefully setting them up to be bank approved at some point in the future.”

Ontario-Wide Financial is open seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. For more information and to set up a free consultation, call 416-925-3974. Their website is

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