The Metis Nation of Ontario (MNO) recognizes that seniors are our most vulnerable population during this time and that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this issue exponentially as seniors have been forced to limit their social activities as well as contact with their families and support systems in efforts to remain healthy and safe. To support our Senior Citizens during these unprecedented times of isolation the MNO is pleased to announce two new services for seniors who are experiencing isolation from family and friends. There are no income restrictions for these services.
Electronic Device Support – The MNO will provide eligible seniors with a tablet, case, accessories, and instructions to allow them to connect with friends and family while in isolation
In order to be eligible applicants must have access to internet Wi-Fi. Confirmation of internet service may be requested. Snow Removal Service – The MNO will provide seniors with snow removal services to assist them during the pandemic up to a maximum $1500.00
The Service requires one (1) quote from a licensed company. This service is available for the 2021 Winter Season which ends on December 21, 2021
The applicant must have property insurance. A copy of which will need to be submitted with the application.
Eligibility Criteria for both services: Open to all Indigenous persons aged 55 and over until March 31st, 2021. Applicants must have been isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants can apply online and select the support they need.
For more information about the Program please contact the MNO’s Programs Administrator at 705-722-5022 Extension 302 or by email at