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Local MP Erin O’Toole wins Conservative leadership


DURHAM: Our own MP Erin O’Toole has been elected the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition. The results were delayed a day, due to a mail sorting machine having ripped thousands of ballots. The damaged ballots needed to be thoroughly checked before counting. The results finally came in at 1 a.m., on Monday, August 24th. “To the millions of Canadians who are still up: Good morning, I’m Erin O’Toole,” he stated in his victory speech. “You’re going to be seeing me a lot.” Erin O’Toole defeated Peter MacKay in Quebec. Mr. MacKay had strong numbers in Atlantic Canada and Ontario, however Erin O’Toole won over Alberta and Quebec. The two were fairly well matched in the other provinces. The ballot system used eliminates the last-place candidate, and their second choice votes are then redistributed until one candidate passes the 50 percent mark. Once Derek Sloan and Leslyn Lewis were eliminated as possible party leader from the ballot, Mr. O’Toole picked up most of the down-ballots. “Today you have given me a clear mission: To unite our party, to champion our conservative principles, to show Canadians what we know so well: that Justin Trudeau and his team are failing our great country,” shared Erin O’Toole. “We must continue to point out Liberal failings and corruption, but we must also show Canadians our vision for a stronger, prosperous, and more united Canada.” Mr. O’Toole held a news conference, on Tuesday, August 25th, announcing his new senior staff. He appointed Tausha Michaud Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Official Opposition. Fred DeLorey was appointed the National Campaign Manager position. Alupa Clarke was appointed the office of Senior Advisor to the Leader and Janet Fryday Dorey was nominated Executive Director, Conservative Party of Canada. Ms. Dorey’s nomination, has yet to be ratified by the National Council of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Ms. Michaud is a long-time political veteran with over 10 years of experience working in municipal, provincial, and federal governments. She formerly served as Senior Advisor to Mr. O’Toole when he was Canada’s Minister of Veteran Affairs. Mr. DeLorey most recently served as National Campaign Manager for the Erin O’Toole Leadership Campaign. In addition, Mr. DeLorey previously served as Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Director of Field Operations, as former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Director of Political operations, and as national spokesperson for the Conservative Party’s majority winning 2011 election campaign. His appointment takes immediate effect. Alupa Clarke is a former Conservative MP for Beauport-Limoilou (2015-2019) and was Erin O’Toole’s leadership Campaign Chair in Québec. Before being elected for the first time in 2015, Mr. Clarke served in our Canadian armed forces in the ranks of the 6th Field Artillery Regiment, based in Levis, Québec. Fryday Dorey is the former president of the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party and has chaired provincial election campaigns and managed countless campaigns across Canada. She is the current Atlantic Organizer for the Conservative Party of Canada. Congratulations Erin O’Toole, on your new role as Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition.

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