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Letter to the editor – the pipeline

Dear Editor

As the federal election approaches, it’s clear that PM Trudeau is trying to appeal to both sides of the pipeline debate. By first purchasing the existing Trans Mountain pipeline, then approving its expansion (twice!), he seems to be using the public purse to buy pro-pipeline votes. Meanwhile, he pleads for support from a growing number of voters concerned about the ever more obvious evidence of the climate crisis by recruiting Steven Guilbeault, a well known Quebec environmental champion as a star candidate, and promising to reinvest the profit from the expanded pipeline for green projects. Except that we don’t know anything about the operations of the pipeline. Unfortunately, since the pipeline became a public project, there has been little information published. Less in fact than when it was private! If I’m a shareholder in this crazy venture, I’d like to see my cost-benefit picture. And if the pro-pipeline Conservatives form the next government, I’d like to see it from them as well. Sincerely, Louis Bertrand Blackstock ON

Photo taken from Cold Lake Sun.

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