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Kawartha Lakes Council seeks an update on signage issues

DAN CEARNS The Standard

KAWARTHA LAKES: City of Kawartha Lakes council is looking for a wholesome report on signage in the municipality, including a plan to replace service club signs, at Lindsay’s entry points.

At a Tuesday, January 16th meeting, councillors discussed a memorandum from, Ward 5 Councillor, Eric Smeaton. The memorandum called for a report to come back to Council, by the second quarter of 2024, regarding “the plan for the replacement of Service Club signs, at the main entry points to Lindsay.” However, during discussions, other types of signage were also brought up.

Councillor Smeaton stated, the intent of his memo was to start the process on “ a concrete master plan, for signs throughout Kawartha Lakes which will have clear definitions of responsibilities, costs and so on, should council wish to venture forward.”

Ward 7 Councillor, Charlie McDonald mentioned, Wayfinding signs as one of the types he’d like to see as part of the master plan.A signboard, located on Lindsay Street South, across from the Riverside Cemetery, was removed, in March of 2022, after being determined it needed to be in better shape.

“The signs [which] are coming down in Lindsay are in a state of disrepair which is why they’re coming down. Last year, [the] Economic Development [department] did an inventory with Engineering, to look at all the signs we’re responsible for across the City. These signs were on the list of the ones [which] need to come down. So, in due respect to those organizations which paid to have their organization’s logo on those original signs, we’re reaching out, to all of those organizations or groups, to see if they’d like their logo back,” Rebecca Mustard, the City’s manager of Economic Development, explained at the time.

CAO Ron Taylor said, what he took from the discussion was the need for “a general report back on the various types of signs, [and] what the strategy [is] for service club signs, as mentioned in the memo, but also looking at it broadly and Citywide.”

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