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Epsom & Utica Oct. 12

by Faye Ashton

We just experienced one of the best Fall weeks in memory, so we were set for the nasty weather we are experiencing this Thanksgiving weekend. Hopefully with a heart full of THANKS we are able to not let any of the dreariness and sadness of the turmoil in many countries around this world destroy the beauty on this earth. It hurts everyone that we are so cruel to one another.

I’m late to wish October birthdays and anniversary celebrations to each of you celebrating this month. Hope those of you who have already enjoyed your special day and those yet to celebrate experience the best one ever.

Last Wednesday afternoon looking skyward to the west we noticed a very visible sun dog.. ..the rainbow spots are due to refraction of light through ice crystals...this often signifies rain on the way within 24 hours.

Remember how hot it was on Wednesday, high 80’s and it has rained but farther removed than24 hrs. How cool.

The Canadian Food Grains Bank Farmers we’re busy harvesting the soy bean crop this past week...More info to follow.

Gardening season is almost over, but with ample moisture this summer I hope your garden gave you many happy meals and times watching and picking the produce.. as yet we haven’t had a killing frost and many of the summer flowers are still very beautiful.

Looking at the many varieties of fall plants at Otters greenhouse I’m sure we can still keep our places beautiful into November.

Come to worship at Epsom United Church, 10:30 am this Sunday, Oct 15. A welcome awaits with fellowship following service with Rev. Edith Ann

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