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Epsom & Utica news

FAYE ASHTON Special to The Standard

The month of November is waning in the tail lights now. Uxbridge and Toronto’s Santa Claus parades are but a memory but looking forward to Port Perry’s Santa Evening. Hoping the weather will be as considerate as for the previous parades.

The Beaver full moon on Monday, November 27th, is aptly named as this when the beavers build their lodges and prepare food for the Winter months.

This past Friday evening the Durham West 4H clubs held their awards evening honouring all the clubs achievements during the past year. These varied clubs encourage all the youth to do their best, by learning and by doing.

Several clubs competed at the Royal Winter Fair excelling in their chosen field. Congratulations to Hayley Ashton for being chosen top Durham West 4H member this year. A very Special Thank You to all the leaders for the hours of time spent guiding our youth. Clubs begin again in the Spring.

Thursday. November 30th is movie afternoon at Epsom United Church. I hope you can come at 1:30 p.m., for coffee, juice, treats and a movie.

It was a special Sunday afternoon when friends and family gathered to surprise Tom Anderson on the occasion of his 90th birthday. He is an amazingly talented man who spent most of his working career climbing tall chimney smoke stacks all across Canada in order to repair or refurbish. Back in 1946/47 his Family came to live on the 7th concession (now Medd Road) from Islington, and continued to farm as in Islington. Tom has lived in the Oakwood area with his late wife Joan for the past 40 years but his family has a piece of this community in our memory banks. Happy 90th from all the community.

As the Christmas season begins you are welcome to come and worship this Sunday, the beginning of Advent, at Epsom United Church, for 10:30 a.m.

Thinking ahead to Christmas Eve which will be celebrated on December 21st at 6:30 p.m.

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