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Epsom & Utica news

FAYE ASHTON Special to The Standard

A few flakes of snow yesterday brought my thoughts to the Christmas Season. This year Christmas Eve is on a Sunday evening. So Epsom United Church have made plans to celebrate a pre Christmas Eve/Winter Solstice service on Thursday, December 21st, at 6:30 p.m., leaving families to be home to share the evening together on December 24th.

As the candles are lit, the darkness will be transformed into the bright light of the manger scene. Rev. Edith Ann will minister the Christmas Eve Sunday morning service as usual at 10:30 a.m., with fellowship to follow.

Church this Sunday will be at Epsom United Church, the last Sunday before Advent. All are welcome.

I don’t have any extra news to share but hoping everyone stays well and free from covid. Take care.

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