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Epsom & Utica news

by Faye Ashton

It was beautiful watching the snow flakes falling. Knowing this was the weekend we were heading to Hanover Ontario to celebrate our sister in-law Joan’s birthday.

I didn’t quite have the same feeling as usual. My brother Jerrold who graduated Epsom Public School, Port Perry High School and then University of Toronto, Dental program had the opportunity to go to an area which was in need of a dentist for a small credit on his education. Jerry and Joan chose Hanover, back in 1965, and made their home there.

In the years since we have made several summer trips there but they have made way more trips to come home. Jerry celebrated his 80th in August, Joan’s 80th this February and we’ll be back to Hanover in July to celebrate with them and their many Hanover friends for their 60th wedding anniversary which makes it three times to celebrate in less than one year. Years full of memories banked.

We’re thinking of you Kathy Sutcliffe Nickolson and hoping you wrist heals quickly.

Our community is saddened to hear the passing of Ana Breznikar .Ana lived in Croatia as a young person. Ana husband Zvonko raised their family, on the 6th concession of Scugog. Some of their family still live on the farm chosen by their parents. Ana has seen way more than most of us in her 92 year. We send condolences to her family, sons Ivan, Peter, Steve and daughter Maria.

Come worship at Epsom United Church on Sunday February 25, 10:30 as Rev. Edith Ann delivers the message with fellowship to follow.

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