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EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton

That Strawberry full moon on Saturday was an awesome beginning to the summer season. Thankfully the temperature cooled to normal for this time of year from the exceptionally hot 30ies of last week.

In the month of June, we have many birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and graduations to celebrate. I wish everyone special times and wonderful memories.

The community sends sincere sympathy to sons Jack and Steven, daughters Karen and Brenda and the families of Bruce Cummings, who passed away on Friday, June 2nd, at Oak Ridges Hospice. Bruce lived in Epsom, in his younger years, before moving away for work. Bruce missed his wife Shirley, who passed away in March of this year. Bruce took pride in training horses.

The Breadaldane Presbyterian Church Cemetery Board, Utica, held their annual Remembrance Service on Sunday, June 2nd, with many in attendance.

Darlene and Tom participated in the 'Walk for Hospice' this past Sunday. Thanks to everyone who did this walk and for the many services the Hospice provides.

The Utica Cemetery Board Decoration Day is this Sunday, June 11th. A church service will be held at 2 p.m. in remembrance of the many who have left before us. All offerings received go to the Utica Cemetery Board.

This is a reminder to all ladies of the community to share a potluck Luncheon at Epsom United Church on Friday, June 16th, at 12 noon. We had a great time together last year. Let's do it again.

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