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EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton

The May Days are slipping by quickly, this being the 15th already. How can the weather people predict frost for Tuesday and Wednesday evening?

Remember to bring all those beautiful Mother’s Day gift plants inside to keep them cozy and safe, thinking of the weeks ahead.

The Pine Grove Church is holding their Spring Service on Sunday, May 21st, at 3 p.m. The vocal group “Reflections” will provide the message and their beautiful harmonies to this gathering.

A “Pot Luck Luncheon” is planned for all ladies of the community on Friday, June 16th, at Epsom United Church. Come and enjoy this time together with neighbours through food and laughter.

This morning I saw Mr. Oriole back from his winter vacation. I didn’t have his food ready so he let me know. However my humming bird feeders are up and ready, just waiting for their return.

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