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EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton

Happy Thanksgiving to all reading this news. The church has placed hampers at each church for donations to both food banks. We know many people still need assistance during this COVID-19 time. We offer the sympathy of this community to Jean Rogers and family, in the recent passing of husband and father Harold. Harold and Jean haven’t lived in this community forever, like some of us, but we feel like they have, as they became a loving friend too many. We will truly miss you, Harold. The weather has sure flip-flopped lately. A killing frost on September 18th and 19th killed all my annuals away from the house. Since then, the rains have kept the farmers from harvesting hay and corn crops. These crops are vital for feed, for all animals. We’ve had a bit of a zoo here lately. Coyotes were spotted twice right close to our buildings. A skunk has been roaming the yard, spraying the dogs three times. Racoons destroyed our late crop of sweet corn. Keep your pets under surveillance if possible. It’s becoming critical, as COVID-19 cases rise, that all of us wear the mask, keep social distancing and wash our hands. Stay safe and well.

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