Just one week until Christmas. We wish everyone a very special Christmas Season and a Happy and healthy New Year.
We know it will be unlike any Christmas in the past. This is the time we want so much to be together as a family but we must obey health restrictions so all can be here for Christmas next year.
This week the church celebrated Advent Joy. The virtual messages found joy through many ways. It was beautiful watching the children from Greenbank-Seagrave do their modern adaption of the Christmas story. It is always something special when children entertain at Christmas, well done.
The Epsom Church will be open from 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve, observing all COVID-19 protocols. A small service will run continually during that time. Come and sit awhile.
“We were very excited to receive the news that Epsom school has been purchased. This is Doug and Marg Dunlop’s letter to the residents of Epsom, so I asked if I might include it in this news column. Hello Neighbours…
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We are the new owners of the Epsom School and Property. It is not every day you get to meet neighbours under a circumstance like this, but we are excited to become part of this local community. We are long time residences of Uxbridge. Together we have spent the last 20 years working in the community to support individuals living with special needs.
When the school came up for sale, we jumped at the opportunity to re-invent this landmark. Our hope is to restore and renovate the building to continue making use of this important community resource. Over the next year, we will work with the Township and Region to offer support and therapeutic resources to individual living with special needs and their families.
We take great pride in the appearance of our sites and the quality of our services we provide. We are also very invested in being positive contributors to the community. We have lots of work to do and will make sure the renovations will be managed well. For the most part, we are looking at interior improvements and some exterior upgrades to the grounds and the facade of the main building. Other than noticing the improvements, we hope this will not be disruptive in the least. We are incredibly excited to become a part of the Epsom School and maintain its legacy of providing a positive contribution to the lives of people in our communities.
If you see one of our vehicles in the lot, white Honda, white Toyota, feel free to drop by and say hello. If you have any questions or want to chat about our plans, please give us a call.
Thanks, Doug and Marg”.
This little school will be a force in our community again. We wish you the very best in this endeavour. Please send news items to faye.eaglesnest@gmail.com or phone 905-852-5389.