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EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton

The cool temperatures for the first part of May have lengthened the life of the spring flowers. The daffodils have bloomed more than a month, and the tulips are so beautiful.

The warmth of this past week has awakened the grain crop to start growing once more. After the drought of last summer, we’re hoping it won’t be a repeat this year. All we have to show for last year is a lawn full of dandelions and no grass.

We were excited to see the orioles back on May 4th and the hummingbird on May 12th.

Sending a belated Happy Birthday wish to Mary Jean Till. As a young person, Mary Jean was part of the Bethesda United Church and did spend some time here at Epsom during vacation Bible School. Hope your day was special and the year ahead too.

The Epsom community sends condolences to the family of Catherine Frame, who passed away on May 4th following a lengthy illness. Many Epsom students will remember Catherine and Clifford’s son Mervyn who attended school here at Epsom.

Medd road is extremely busy, with customers heading to Otters Greenhouse to view and select their plants for this season. It is always a fun place to go and choose all the colours of the rainbow for this year’s garden again.

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