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Editorial: Sister Holy

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It’s a wonderful day today, and life is full. We’ve had a lot of rain lately, but once it’s done, there is still more life. Even though we’ve all gone through Covid, we still deal with the usual batch of viruses, like flu and colds. We seemed to have adjusted to these, and on a yearly basis, we have settled into a routine of expecting to overcome them, there is still more life. That’s a change in perspective, isn’t it?

Christ said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” The implication being, He is a generous God who shares this overcoming with those who love Him. Some out there deal with cancer, and others with emotional struggles or the diverse kinds of dis-eases experienced in the world. Yet Christ still said He had overcome the world, and we could be of good cheer.

This apparent conflict flies in the face of so-called ‘logic’ to many. The unknown, or more aptly put, that, of which we are unaware, can stimulate frustration, confusion, or even culminate in anger toward the obvious truths others live in.

Of course, as logical thinkers, we know there are many different kinds of logic, which all depend on the ‘food chain’ of thought, one lives off of. Yet they are all closed loops, sustaining the persistent thoughts which flow from them. Struggles can come from these emotional or psychological logic loops. We need to understand these struggles are life’s confrontations to encourage us to adjust the way we view the world and our responses within it.

A change of world view is difficult because the view we hold can often be supported by others perplexed interpretations. This can keep one oriented in a framework of logic shifting, lily-pad jumping, still offering little or no eternal perspective for life here, with no real overview. Eventually, the framework doesn’t hold water, and we are confronted with the need for change and no solidifying direction. Oh, if only there were a perspective which offered a stable framework for all of life’s issues, both for temporary daily life and eternal life. Oh yeah, thank God, there is!

Better and greater than lily-pad jumping is the wonder generated in the way believers live. When life depends on Christ’s finished work on the cross, including the provision of a changed internal life, a new kind of life and logic loop results. This loop incorporates all of life here, in this temporary framework, and all of life in the hereafter.

I know a woman of Dene aboriginal heritage who shares Christ’s heritage, as well. She lived close to nature, regularly stopping and communing with it on her travels. Many a time, she would share with me about observing a fox, a bear, or deer in the woods or by the roadside. Often she would tell of times she watched hawks soar, or little birds bathe in the dust, picking and gleaning the best tiny stones for their crop, to grist mill the grains they eat, just enjoying life as they were made. They are unencumbered by the mess we make of things around. She found life, amidst the chaos we often bring as we try to assert our will on a God made earth; our logic loop on a place already with an order, just because we want it our way.

She often commented on people wanting their own way and admitted she struggled with the same thing stemming from her own way. But then, I would see a reflection in the moment and a peace come over her concerned face. Inevitably she would say something like, “But it doesn’t matter what I think is needed; God knows and has it all under His amazing control.” A genuine release would occur, and I would learn all over again what I thought I already knew.

God is a loving, patient God who takes care of those who allow Him to, who defer to His judgment, among all this trouble we assert on real life around. Of course, He tries to help us all but sooo many turn from His hand, choosing to look away.

Frequently she would have times where she was food insecure or housing challenged. It was then she would live in her car and take any gift from a loving hand. Then, in other times, when she had a surplus, she would share it with those she personally knew had need as well. The generosity of the widow’s mite is the greatest grace to take part in. Her concern for her children never stopped, as she prayed daily and made any active effort she could to touch their lives with God’s grace, as she understood it. She would say, “I’m stacking up blessings for my children and theirs because prayer, if it comes from God’s sharing, never stops working until it’s accomplished the good thing it was sent out for. The one who prays may leave this world one day, but the prayer remains as a faithful servant doing the work. So I know my kids will be OK in due time.”

Her confidence helped me much in dealing with my own children. I thank God for her life and insight. It came from the raw, rubber meets the road, realness of life, yet it soared wonderfully at times. She passed last week.

I will miss you, Holly (Holy) Faith Richardson. But I have this, an eternal perspective which allows me to know I will see you again in the great bye and bye. Our family loves you and carries the memory of your love for us, our indigenous brothers and sisters, and all of life.

She:kon Sister Holy.

(Which means Hello and Goodbye in Mohawk. Pronounced Say-hay-go.)


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