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UXBRIDGE: The Uxbridge Community Concert Band (UCCB) will close out its 27th season this weekend under the theme of ‘Inspired by Bach’. The performance is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 24th, at 7 p.m. at historic Trinity United Church on First Ave. Since May, the members of the band have been fine tuning their skills and learning the repertoire for the performance, which will take place under the artistic direction of Steffan Brunette, with conducting assistance provided by Sarah-Lynn Batten and Joan Andrews. The evening of music will also include a special performance by Annika Fabbi, one of the 2019 winners of the Uxbridge Music Scholarship and a member of the UCCB. The UCCB is a band consisting of seasoned and more novice musicians, some of whom are returning to play after a few years away and others who are hoping to hone their skills over the summer.