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Writer's pictureColleen Green

CAESAREA by Eleanor Colwell

Caesarea Euchre: Here are Thursday’s euchre winners for November 14th; Norm Lackner finished in first place and also had the most lone hands, Lorna Edgerton was second, Brigitte Moase and Jim Kushner tied for third, Gord Paisley finished in fourth place, Dianne Slute came in fifth, and Al Cadieux had the low score. Jacky Attfield had the mid score. Thursday’s euchre winners for November 21st are; Marg Cayer finished in first place with a score of 97, John Kay came in second and had the most lone hands, Alma Manns was third, Jim Kushner came in fourth and Willy Houthuys and Judy Westall tied for fifth place. Pat Allemang had the low score. Ben Crawford had the mid score. Nestleton Euchre is held every Thursday (except holidays) in the Nestleton Community Centre, 3971 Highway 7A. Play starts at 7:30 p.m.

Blackstock Cartwright Lions Club: We were pleased to have a visit from our Region Chairperson, Lion Gina Heeger, at our last meeting. She shared with us some planning to celebrate our country’s 100th anniversary of Lions Clubs in Canada in 2020, the same year that our Club will celebrate our 40th Charter Anniversary. More details will come as we go forward. Our second round of Zone Meetings in these next few weeks in our District will focus on membership. Today’s Lions are men, women and families who have fun volunteering together and share the satisfaction that comes from helping others. Clubs are always looking for people who want to make a difference in their community. If you would like to volunteer in our community, just give our Membership Chairperson John Ashmore a call at 905-986-1169.

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