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Brock Township starts deliberations on final budget<br>for this term of Council

DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

BROCK: The Township of Brock started deliberations of their 2022 municipal operating and capital budgets, on Monday, February 7th. At that budget meeting, councillors saw a budget which included a proposed 3.91 percent tax increase. If that were to be approved, it would mean a $54 increase on the municipal side of the tax bill for the average taxpayer.

In his opening remarks, Ward 3 Councillor and Finance Committee Chair, Walter Schummer noted this would be the last budget to be deliberated and eventually approved by this term of Council.

“Our staff has had a very tumultuous year of change and transition. We’re operating with an interim CAO and interim treasurer, both of whom have done an excellent job of keeping this Council on track,” Councillor Schummer said.

He added, the Township has also seen changes in their “key departments.”

“We’ve had a very difficult set of circumstances handed to us with the ongoing pandemic,” he explained.

The Ward 3 Councillor said this budget represents “us getting back to work outside of [COVID-19].”

However, he also cautioned councillors about being careful with spending, because upper levels of government may soon be looking at trying to balance their future budgets.

“We have seen unprecedented levels of spending in the past two years, due to COVID-19. Another famous saying is ‘all good things must end.’ We must keep in mind that someday down the road, the senior levels of government are going to want to attempt to balance their books again. Municipal funding is a huge part of the provincial budget, which may come under pressure in the future.”

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