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Brock Mayor asks for patience as municipality works through pandemic

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DAN CEARNS Local Journalism Initiative for The Standard

BROCK: Brock Township Mayor Debbie Bath-Hadden is asking residents and councillors to be patient as the municipality works through this COVID-19 pandemic. “We are in very difficult times right now. We are in a crisis. We are starting to become a little complacent because we have been in our homes for four to six weeks, and we haven’t been socializing and I get the itch. But let’s not lose the message. People are dying,” Mayor Bath-Hadden told Councillors, at an electronic meeting, on Monday, April 27th. “This is not the time to start to ease off on some of the restrictions we have. Maybe by the end of April or the beginning of May, but I’m looking more at May 12th. We may see a flattening of the curve, but we’re not seeing it yet.” This conversation started when Ward 3 Councillor Walter Schummer asked if the Township could start opening up their trails for public use. “Some communities are turning their trails into one-ways so that people don’t meet up on the trails,” Councillor Schummer explained. CAO Robert Lamb said they would discuss the question when the municipality’s emergency management team held their next meeting. Though Mayor Bath-Hadden asked councillors to give the emergency management group until, at least, May 12th to decide on rollouts, when the province’s state of emergency is scheduled to expire. “We can’t lose the sight of opening things too soon, and encouraging individuals to come from outside of our community into our community,” Mayor Bath-Hadden said, adding the Lake Simcoe Region conservation authority is waiting for a rollout plan from the province, following the May 12th emergency state expiry, before opening any of their trails. As of press time, Durham Region Health has confirmed two cases of COVID-19 in Brock Township. Both are listed in home isolation. “As we all know, it is in our community now. As long as we were cognizant of the fact that we were at zero, I think deep in our hearts we knew it was here anyway, it was just waiting to be identified. Our first and foremost [focus] is the protection of our citizens,” Mayor Bath-Hadden stressed.


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