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2022 updates and volunteering at the Uxbridge Historical Centre

COURTNEY McCLURE, for The Standard

UXBRIDGE: The COVID-19 has impacted many people’s lives, both locally and internationally. This is no different for the Uxbridge Historical Centre (UHC).

The UHC has a few things in mind for their museum season next year. According to the curator of the UHC, Jessica Lanziner, they want to ramp up the workshops and programs the UHC has to offer.

“All of these kinds of workshops will include some kind of heritage connection,” explained Ms. Lanziner. She wants people to learn modern history, as well.

The UHC has hosted summer camps for kids and workshops for adults in the past, including yarn painting and indigo dyeing.

Next year, there may be some kids’ summer camps hosted at the UHC, again. They have a few themed camping events planned.

According to Ms. Lanziner, the UHC has two permanent staff members who work at the centre, through the Township of Uxbridge. Other staff members include seasonal students, funded via multiple grant programs.

“We are a small community museum,” she added. “But volunteers do provide significant assistance and knowledge.” In 2020, the UHC had many volunteers. Ms. Lanzier couldn’t provide an estimate of how many volunteers they had, but she said they completed about three hundred and fifty hours of work during their time at the UHC.

Some of the volunteers were familiar faces, and others were brand new to the UHC.

There are many volunteer opportunities for members of the Uxbridge community. Available volunteer positions include; be a tour guide, gardening, working on the catalogue, maintenance, and working on special events.

The UHC is almost always looking for volunteers, so if you need community hours for high school or have a love for your community, consider volunteering at the UHC.

You can find the volunteer form on the UHC’s website, at, beneath the “get involved” drop-down menu. Once you’ve completed the volunteer form, please email it to the UHC, at

For more information about the UHC and its programs, you can contact the UHC staff, at 905-852-5854.

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