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Residents invited to comment on proposed Sunderland water solutions

DAN CEARNS, The Standard

BROCK: The Region of Durham is inviting residents to comment on a proposed solution for water supply, water storage capacity and pumping facilities in Sunderland.

The Region recently announced they have completed an environmental assessment for the project.

“The additional capacity is required, to provide a long-term, secure, and sustainable water supply to service the increasing population in the community,” a Region of Durham press release stressed.

The website states, the current preferred solution for water supply is “to develop new groundwater wells in Sunderland, to supplement and replace the existing wells and decommission the existing wells.”

“The preferred alternative for water storage includes the construction of a new water storage facility and decommissioning of the existing standpipe. The preferred storage facility was identified to be an Elevated Tank. The new elevated tank site is located adjacent to the existing standpipe location, at the Township of Brock Parkland,” the website adds.

Those who wish to provide their comments and opinions are asked to go online, to: Residents have until March 28th to provide their comments.

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