Dear Editor
The citizens of Scugog continue to demonstrate their generosity in so many ways, by helping our organization, Operation Scugog (The Food Bank). As school ended for this beautiful summer, the people within our Township assisted The Food Bank in many ways. Please recognize these groups who, along with others, have helped with our clients’ needs. • The Cruisin’ Classics Car Club • The Rotary Club of Port Perry • Township Compost Day •Knights’ of Columbus and their Squires Group • Hinterland Growers (south of Port Perry) • Schools within our township whose students donated in June • Blackstock United Church • Epsom United Church • Greenbank United Church The men and women volunteers of The Food Bank continue to be astounded by the generosity from within our community. Once again, we are pleased to thank one and all.
Yours truly, Karen Teed, Chairperson Operation Scugog Board of Trustees