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Ontario Omicron cases could peak by the end of this month

DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

NORTH DURHAM/KAWARTHA: Health officials stated, this current wave of Omicron infections could peak this month in Ontario.

“Omicron cases are expected to peak this month, with a peak in hospitalizations and ICU admissions to follow,” Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott said, during a recent press conference.

During the same press conference, Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore explained, “we may be reaching the peak of Omicron transmission in Ontario in the coming weeks.”

Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit’s (HKPR) Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Natalie Bocking, discussed the potential peak of this current wave in the local health unit region, during a virtual press conference, on Wednesday, January 19th.

“I do think it’s too early to say for our region. A couple of things are looking promising. One, our test positivity [rate] has come down, which is one of the indicators we can look at. The number of outbreaks, being newly declared each day, has slowed,” Dr. Bocking explained. “I think we can also look at neighbouring jurisdictions and what’s happening in other areas of the province.”

She added, the “promising indicators” show the case counts in the health unit area are “quite close to peaking or plateauing.”

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