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Well, everything around the house is done, with the exception of cleaning the baseboards with Murphy’s Oil. I went to the cupboard, only to find the bottle I purchased in 1986 is almost empty. Sadly, a trip to a few grocery stores, (Hardware stores were closed) left me without any product. It seems the spray version of Murphy’s oil is hard to find. I decided to try the on-line route, and low and behold, Lowe’s in Whitby carried it, and more importantly, it was in stock. I ordered a bottled and patiently waited for my confirmation email. The next day I checked my in-box, but nothing. After four days I called the store and was told they were filling orders that were four days behind, and I would hear something soon. I waited another two days, but nothing. I called again and was told they were 8 days behind. I explained it had been eight days and was told I would hear something soon. The next day I was delighted, as I opened my computer, there was a confirmation email saying my Murphy’s Oil was in. I waited until the next day and drove to Whitby. Following the instructions carefully, I looked for the ‘orange cones’ where I was supposed to park, and await my order. I drove around a few times and found blue bins instead of orange cones, but no matter, there were posts with signs that said ‘customer pickup’, and so I was happy. I called the number on the sign and the phone went into ‘ring overtime’. Fortunately, some friends of ours had also experienced this, and warned us the phone could ring as long as ten minutes. I was prepared, and after nine minutes someone answered the call. She asked for my order number and the confirmation number on the email. There was a long pause (which is never a good sign). Next she asked for my name, which I gave her. She asked if this was the second or third email I had received. I said it was the second. “I have no idea why they send those out,” she said. “Your order is not ready yet.” I was lost. The email clearly said the order was ready, and she explained (politely, I might add), that there would be a third email in a few days confirming my pickup time. That’s when my order would be ready. I sat in awe, confused and annoyed. I cancelled the order, knowing my action will spiral Lowe’s stocks into the red. Sadly I drove home, without my Murphy’s Oil, astounded at the logic behind this giant corporation’s actions. It has been ten days since I cancelled the order and I still do not have the credit, but I did manage to get Murphy’s Oil at Canadian Tire. Jonathan van Bilsen is a television host, award-winning photographer, published author, columnist and keynote speaker. Watch his show, ‘Jonathan van Bilsen’s photosNtravel’, on Rogers TV, the Standard Website or YouTube.

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