To the editor, The Scugog Lake Stewards are seeking volunteers for the Walleye Watch monitoring program on Lake Scugog. Monitoring begins immediately following ice-out and will continue for approximately two weeks until the walleye spawn is over. Timing of the spawn is typically around the end of March until the middle of April. Volunteers must own waterfront property or have permission to access private property located within known spawning areas. Alternatively, volunteers can choose to monitor at a public access point located within a known spawning area. Volunteers are asked to commit to monitoring their location every night for the duration of the monitoring program. All equipment will be provided. New and past volunteers are welcome. The information collected from this project is being used by MNRF to monitor Walleye spawning activity, locations, timing, and to identify potential critical spawning and rehabilitation areas. An information session will be held at the Scugog Memorial Public Library in Port Perry on Tuesday, March 24th, beginning at 7 p.m. For more information or to register, please contact Tyler Harrington at Tyler Harrington, Port Perry