Here we are entering the month of March. Will it come in like a lion or lamb? Guess we’ll know as this paper is printed.
The Holstein club held their annual banquet at the Port Perry community centre this past Friday, catered by Mary’s country kitchen. The delicious roast beef meal was followed by many awards for the best of cows in nine herds around Durham West. Congratulations to Jaime Wilson, who received the Spirit of 4H award. We all became aware of the excellency of this group as Laura Findley guided a Durham West group of 4Hers to the Royal Winter Fair back in November. What an experience, as some participants became Canadian champions. The live and silent auctions were well-received and fun for all.
Birthday and Anniversary wishes to everyone celebrating in this month of March.
We are thinking of our neighbours who are under a Doctors care. Hoping you will be feeling much better real soon.
Church at Epsom United will be back this Sunday, March 5th, at 10:30 a.m., as we celebrate communion this first Sunday of Lent.
Free bowling for any youth interested in knowing about or joining a 4H program at Parish Lane, Uxbridge, on Sunday, March 26th, from 1-3 p.m.
As we look ahead, a Breakfast at 9 a.m., Good Friday, April 5th, in aid of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is planned. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this mission project.
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