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Durham Region Transit’s youth loyalty fare incentive – Y10 monthly pass is back at an even low

DURHAM: Durham Region Transit (DRT) is pleased to announce the return of the Y10 monthly pass for youth, ages 13 to 19, for unlimited travel with DRT, during the 2021/2022 academic year.

Priced lower than ever before, at $53.50 per month, this means saving $40 per month, for up to $400 in total, making the return to school more affordable for transit riders.

The passes are available for purchase, starting August 21st, 2021, through June 2022.

PRESTO cards must be set up to take advantage of a Y10 monthly pass by visiting one of the following DRT PRESTO Points of Sale (POS) locations: Oshawa Centre Guest Services, at 419 King Street West, Oshawa; Pickering Town Centre Guest Services, at 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering; and DRT Customer Service Centre, at 110 Westney Road, Ajax.

Once purchased, subsequent Y10 monthly passes can be purchased at any DRT PRESTO POS.

By purchasing the September Y10 monthly pass, at any DRT PRESTO POS, customers will automatically save $40 and pay only $53.50. The savings continue all year long: save $40 off each subsequent Y10 monthly pass purchased throughout the school year, from September to June, for a total savings of up to $400.

Customers must continue purchasing the Y10 monthly pass for each consecutive month through to June 2022. If you skip a month, you will not receive the discount again for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year.

For more information on the Y10 loyalty fare incentive, including terms and conditions, visit

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