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Beaverton & Sunderland news

By Patricia Dawson

The ships and Giggles ladies are at it again. This year they have a local celebrity willing to go to jail. The purpose of this event is to raise funds for elder abuse in Brock Township. They are raising awareness on this difficult subject which unfortunately too many seniors experience. The more awareness brought to the subject the better.

Come out to see who is going to jail and determine whether your funds should go to get him out or keep him in. Everyone who donates is given a chance to win one of two prizes donated by local artists. There will be treats given out to the children, homemade cookies! Come out for a fun fall day.

All the residents of Brock Township are encouraged to attend the Beaverton Fall Fair on Friday, September 13th and Saturday, September 14th. To learn more about this great fair check out their website at

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