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Operation Scugog: Helping the Community Wherever and Whenever They Can!


SCUGUG: The local foodbank, Operation Scugog, has helped many people throughout the Scugog community for decades.

Karen Teed, a volunteer with Operation Scugog, has volunteered with the foodbank for at least 20 years, and she enjoys the work she does for the community.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Operation Scugog has been handing out grocery store gift cards to people who use the food bank. The gift cards, for all the local grocery stores, were distributed around early November, so people could use them in time for the approaching holiday season.

"The donations come from town, so we spend them in town," Ms. Teed explained, talking about the gift cards. The gift cards are for all of the local grocery stores such as Food Basics, Vos' Independent and Foodland.

Ms. Teed said, Operation Scugog is very fortunate because other members of the community make generous donations to the food bank. Operation Scugog receives most of its donations during the holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

"We have always said, 'the more we have, the more we give," said Ms. Teed. She explained, Operation Scugog receives a lot of donated canned goods, which they appreciate. However, they always need hygiene products like baby diapers, adult diapers, shampoo, conditioner and other toiletries, as well as, snacks often meant for kids, like juice boxes; which are always appreciated.

Operation Scugog, also gives out a lot of canned meat and canned fruit, so they are almost always in need of those items.

Ms Teed explained, Operation Scugog has been helping to ensure students at local schools receive snacks. "We help out wherever we can."

Operation Scugog also helps people with emergency assistance. Such as an individual who had their home's electricity and power cut off because they could not pay their bills. A person in these circumstances can come to Operation Scugog and fill out an application for emergency assistance. Then volunteers at the foodbank would help this person review their expenses and figure out what they (the foodbank) could do to help them.

Operation Scugog has about 200 people, including families, who use their services. Right now, their volunteers are focusing on supporting families and individuals through the holiday season.

Currently, Operation Scugog has about 20 volunteers. Like Ms. Teed, many have volunteered with the foodbank for many years.

Although they aren't looking for more helping hands right now, Ms. Teed suggested interested persons can give Operation Scugog a call in the New Year, to express their interest and see if they are accepting volunteers.

If you are interested in making a monetary donation (cheque or cash) to Operation Scugog, you can pay them a visit at 593 Alma Street in Port Perry. You can also donate online, through, by selecting "Operation Scugog" from their list of charities.

For more information about Operation Scugog, please email or call 905-985-3087.

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