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A week of drizzle and cool following some beautifully warm weather, but the flowers and grass are loving it! Almost time to start cutting the grass! Has anyone noticed the abundance of forsythia shrubs in full bloom this year? They seem to be extra large and brilliantly yellow this spring. There are also some beautiful star magnolia shrubs and trees around. Of course, the daffodils, narcissi and other spring flowers are coming into full bloom. Even some of my lilacs have large clusters of buds at the tips!

This Tuesday is Earth Day, when we need to take stock of what is happening around us. We are a farming community but did you know that 175 acres of farmland are lost each day? More than ever, we need the Greenbelt and preservation of the various moraines. We are on the Oak Ridge Moraine, but most of Ontario is made up of moraines, courtesy of the ice age and where all of our water comes from. Without the Greenbelts (ever hear about the Bluebelt?), the farmland, moraines, and our health is in jeopardy!

A couple of the services I listened to Sunday used this third Easter Sunday as Holy Humour Sunday. Quite a fun time! Here is one you might enjoy: A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walked into a Blood Donor clinic to give blood. The nurse asked each what type they were. The priest said A, the minister said B and the rabbit said—I think I am a type O!

I am sure most of you spent some time on Saturday following the funeral of Prince Philip and all the pomp and circumstance that went before and after. He was a man of extraordinary circumstance who created his own niche. While he often chaffed at the royal protocol, he usually followed through. He certainly made his own position in the royal family but in the world as a whole with many environmental and technical achievements. We have no way of knowing how this will affect the queen, but no doubt she will soldier on, as she has done, and promised to do, since she was 21!

The Dean of Windsor opened the funeral service with a verse from Ecclesiastics “Look to the rainbow and praise the Maker. It shines with a supreme beauty rounding the sky with its gleaming arc, a bow bent by the hand of the Almighty.” Something to think about the next time we get rain.

There were a number of celebrations this week. Former Zephyr resident Mary Dube was included in the number. Former Sandford resident Sandra Nielsen also celebrated her birthday. She and Steve spend their time between Alberta and BC. Another former Sandford resident Suzi Hilts Stanley also had a birthday. Suzi lives on a farm near Norwood and has several grandchildren!

Brett Ireland lives just outside Zephyr and works for LTD Properties. His mom Donna grew up on the farm just south of the one I grew up on. Happy birthday also to Andrea Arkell, who has taken herself into a new profession during the pandemic!

A big congratulation also to Brad and Marcia Clark, who celebrated their 14th anniversary! Of course, they are busy introducing many new calves appearing just now into their world and getting the girls involved as well.

Best wishes to Peter and Nell Ryzobol on the occasion of their 60th anniversary. They have lived many years on the 4th concession. May there be many more good years together.

Happy anniversary to them and anyone else having an anniversary, and happy birthday to all those who had a birthday! We know that celebrations are more shrunken than we would like!

It was a busy week for Zoom meetings. Xi Upsilon Epsilon met Monday afternoon. North Durham Nature on Tuesday evening invited us to join a discussion about the Greenbelts; the ECORC UCW Presbyterial met Wednesday morning for their annual meeting. On Thursday evening, the Uxbridge Genealogy group met and learned how to research Eastern European ancestors. Finally, on Saturday morning, the Uxbridge Horticultural Group took part in the District 17 Annual Meeting. On Sunday, I again looked in on a further discussion on the Greenbelt and Moraines.

Remember, if you would like to be part of the Horse Shoe Pitching group, call Bob Kirvan. He intends to start in May, but that might be changed because of pandemic rules. Hopefully, all those interested persons will at least have one shot by then. A membership to the Uxbridge-Scott historical Society automatically makes you a member of the horseshoe club!

Also, remember that Zephyr is planning their annual Garage/driveway sale for June. COVID may also impact this, but since both these events are outside, we can hope for the best.

Meanwhile, please continue to get your vaccine, whatever one you are offered. I just read that the age is now down to 40, so that covers a good many people!

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