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Oh, the perils of farming and gardening. With all this rain, many farmers have not been able to get in their hay. I have only seen one field that appeared to be taken off. Better not to cut it rather than have it lying on the ground and going mouldy. However, the rain does seem to be good for both soya beans and corn. Fields are already green and growing. However, I have also seen fields where any crop has been lying in many inches of water, which is not good at all!

As for my garden, it has been impossible to plant anything in the ground. Although my many tubs are done, and my potatoes are coming up nicely, as are my onions. As for the planters, I have to keep emptying the saucers so the plants don’t sit in water and rot. The peonies and irises seem to love it, as so many are opening very quickly. Just hope we don’t get a hot spell and finish them off quickly as they are so beautiful!

To start, I know there are many who look for word about the Decorations services at our community cemeteries. Sandford’s is a bit later this year, being held on June 26th in the church, with Rev. Jim Hackner leading the service at 2 p.m. The cemetery will be open for anyone wishing to decorate grave sites. The service for Zephyr will be a Zion Cemetery 2:30 p.m., at the church if the weather is inclement. A lot has changed in the two years since services were held, and many well-loved friends and family members have passed away!

Church was at Zephyr Sunday with Laura Kay conducting the service. We had a lovely interval of music before the service as Emma played a set of musical numbers on the piano. Showing what a versatile young lady she is on both violin and piano. It was good to have Wes Botham with us again that morning, and our sympathies to him once more!

Last week was busy as many groups are getting back to a more regular schedule. On Wednesday evening, the Horticultural group met in person, masked, at the Seniors building to learn more about making salves from herbs such as calendula and other wild and garden-grown plants. There was also a very large group of plants given away in the raffle. The good news was the plant sale, held at Herrema Field the past Sunday, brought in well over $1000.

Don’t forget the “Gardens of Uxbridge” tour will be held on Saturday, June 25th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are eight featured gardens, some in town, others out. Contact: if you would like to help by being at one of the gardens for a while.

On Thursday evening, the Pickering Naturalists met on zoom to hear our own Geoff Carpentier tell of his experiences with his “Accidental Big Year Birding”. He had previously done this slide show with North Durham Natures, but it was great to review and catch a few things missed before.

Then on Friday night, the second “Friday at the Foster” concert was held. Mike Burns had stepped in on short notice and brought along friends Andrew Heathcote and Jonathan, all three amazing musicians, and the audience loved the songs presented. Next week a new performer to the Foster, who has performed in some of the biggest venues in the country, Michel De Quevedo, will bring some unique music to the audience. The suggested donation is $10, and masks be worn. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.

Our own Robyn Ottolini has been performing at some amazing venues and was lately at the CMAO. Not only did she perform to much appreciation, but she also mentioned her mother, Lorraine, a few times. Both Lorraine and Steve have supported her all along her musical journey, and it’s nice to see kids appreciating their parents’ sacrifices!

Happy birthday this week goes out to Anne St.John, a long-time resident and worker in Uxbridge who now enjoys some free time with her grandchild. Happy birthday also to Lois Elford. As I mentioned last week, it must keep Lois busy remembering when all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren have birthdays, and now it’s her time. Happy birthday to these ladies!

Birthday wishes go out also to Diane Signal. Diane is a sorority sister of mine. Who I haven’t seen for a while; since they were in Florida for a long winter. Marie Forsyth is also a birthday girl, beating out the rest as she celebrates her 90th. I had known Marie from the earliest 70s when we worked together in the Public Health office in town, and Marie held everything together, as I think she still does!

Best wishes also to Ryan Tindall. Ryan and his wife Karen handle a very large farm and market garden. And getting bigger. Not sure how they do it but just ask, and they probably have it, in season at least. They are also part of the “Leaskdale Loop”, a group of craftspeople within the area who welcome visitors once a month to view their work at their homes. This past Saturday was the latest day.

Happy anniversary to Gloria and Donnie Ross, who celebrated their 39th year of wedded bliss!

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