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Our wonderful Carol O’Neil had been sending a complete worship service out every week since the church closed for the pandemic. She began her letter this week by a thought almost as deep as her message was. I know many of you have taken to doing puzzles during this time and her husband Mark is the same. This is what she shared; “During early Covid, puzzles were flying off shelves, and I wondered why. The more I thought about it I wondered if it was because we always have a sense of chaos within us and especially now when life is so unpredictable. Life is a puzzle with no concrete answers. Puzzles have an answer and completing one provides a kind of instant relief and satisfaction. They are also a form of escape. Once you are so concentrated on doing the puzzle, the outside world fades for a bit. All of this brings me to a poem I would like to share by Bubbly Hannah.
Life is a puzzle in more ways than one You know you can’t quit something you have begun Each piece of the puzzle represents part of you Your journey, your goals and all in your view The notches are bonds that will join you with friends Who are also connected to you on their ends You can’t force yourself where you do not belong If you do, your whole puzzle will turn out all wrong Perhaps if you feel that you’re missing a part You will have to look deeply within your own heart Each and every puzzle is a beautiful design Of the One who says ‘I love you’ and ‘You are mine’”.
Quite a few birthdays this week, so congrats to all these people. Allan Hockley, turned 81. Allan lives with his wife, Doris (Evans), in Kitchener. Marie Wilson turned 91 and now lives in Showbrook. Elaine Cox, super nurse, and Cameron Herrema 27, son of Ron and Mary Ann. One special birthday is coming up when Norma O’Connor turns 100! Norma was the wife of Bill O’Connor who worked for many years at St. John’s. They lived then on First Avenue, just a few houses down from Trinity United Church. There will be a party in her honour at the Legion on Saturday afternoon, September 5th, masks and social distancing required. Anniversaries were celebrated as well. Laura (Cordingley-Jack) and Brett Hansen celebrated their first. Leslie Moore and Justin Green have had 11 great years together, while Grant Evans and Lisha Van Niewenhove have had 4 dramatic years. Earle and Heidi Lockerby celebrated their 56th anniversary. Congratulations to all these great people, and may there be many more! Congratulations to Judy Risebrough, (Warren) wife of Paul, who is the project manager for the revitalization of the downtown and the $100,000 set aside for that improvement. It certainly will be a big job and will take a great deal of skill to maneuver through it. Also congratulations to Les and Erin Smith who welcomed baby Samuel on August 27th, weighing in at 8lb. 4oz, a brother for his 2 older sisters and a grandson for Bruce and Tanis Smith. Last week we lost another of our beloved Sandford ladies, Evelyn Cox-Meek, (Ross). Evelyn lived her whole life in this small area and spent many years on the farm on the 6th with her husband Ivan, raising her 3 children Gloria, Murray, and Janet. The children all married and produced a number of grandchildren whom she loved dearly. A few years after Ivan passed away, she married Bob Meek, a fellow who had lost his wife Sally, and whom she had known most of her life too. They lived for quite a while in the house built by the road in front to the farmhouse. After a number of years there, they moved into Butternut Manor, which is where she passed away. They held her Celebration of Life on Friday at the Foster Cemetery. It was a lovely service conducted by Reverend Jim Hackner, nephew of Bob. Grandsons Rob and Trevor Cox gave stirring tributes to her memory, which I am sure she would have enjoyed. Janet thanked all concerned. Due to COVID of course masks were worn by everyone and some semblance of social distancing, but it was hard to see so many that you had not seen for a long time and not reach out to shake hands or give a hug. At least a service could be held, which was not the case earlier.