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Wooden Sticks hotel project making progress to start 2024


UXBRIDGE: The hotel project, proposed for Wooden Sticks Golf Club, took another significant step forward recently.

The project received official plan and zoning by-law amendments in the fall of 2023, however, the final decision had been deferred, until approval had been given through an amendment to the Region of Durham’s official plan.

The approval was recently granted by regional council, leading to the most recent report, from planning consultant Liz Howsom, which noted, no appeals had been filed at the Regional level, and councillors could move forward with their approvals, to move the project towards construction.

“I was pleased to see, from a regional level, there were no challenges,” commented, Ward 4 Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Willie Popp. “For many, many years, and certainly one of the first things I heard, when I arrived in this community, was the need, the desire, for hotel accommodations in town. We’re fortunate we have a location which is complimentary, has the space to accommodate it, and a business which would benefit and provide employment, and enable us to move forward.”

Councillor Popp did mention he lives in the area, and explained, while he does “have concerns, I feel Wooden Sticks will do what they can to ensure this isn’t invasive, as they look to build this four to five-storey venue.”

In response, to those comments concerning local residents in the area, Ms. Howsom noted, the project still requires site plan approval from the township.

“A lot of the concerns the residents were raising were matters which can be dealt with through the site plan, through the actual design, the location, the landscaping, the design of the building, setbacks. All of that will be looked at very carefully by the township, when they’re reviewing the site plan application,” added Ms. Howsom. “We’ll look to mitigate any impacts which have been identified by the residents.”

Uxbridge's Councillors unanimously approved the zoning by-law and official plan amendments, and the hotel project will now move towards site plan approval later this year.

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