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Writer's pictureColleen Green

The draft for the Active Transportation works is in the works

UXBRIDGE: On March 18th, there will be a public meeting with Uxbridge Council showcasing the draft for the Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The meeting will start at 7 p.m.

As defined by Uxbridge Councillor Willie Popp, Active Transportation uses your own power to move from place to place. For example, riding your bicycle from home to school.

Similarly, for people who have jobs, ride your bike from home to work, if you are able. Other modes of active transportation include rollerblading, riding a scooter, or a non-mechanized wheelchair.

“Choosing activation helps our community in many ways,” explained Councillor Popp. Cycling and taking daily walks help residents maintain a healthy lifestyle because they are adding exercise to their daily routine. ATP encourages people to keep their car at home and reduce congestion on the roads and highways.

All the council members supported the Active Transportation Committee(UXACT)’s request to develop an ATP within the township. The ATP is currently in development by UXACT’s consultant, William Sales Partnership Canada Group Limited, along with Share the Road. Some other committees of Council have included input into the ATP draft plan. These committees include the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the ATP committee, and the Trails Committee.

Councillor Popp is on these committees and shared they are doing a great job on the project. “I want to thank them, along with Council and staff, for working together on this, our Active Transportation Plan. I am so proud to be a part of Uxbridge as it takes a step towards active living.”

They have also reached out to external stakeholders like the Durham Mountain Bike Association, the Uxbridge Cycling Club and held a few public meetings. The next step for ATP is the public meeting set for March 18th.

According to Councillor Popp, after months of research, further planning and community engagement, the ATP has undergone many reviews and is currently near its final draft.

The goal for ATP is to provide the Township of Uxbridge with a connected and accessible network of active transportation routes and facilities in the area. And ATP is set to encourage the Uxbridge community to walk, bike and participate in any other form of active travel.

Some active facility options in the area include the multi-use paths, which are better for cycling and taking walks.

Part of the ATP is to pave shoulders and to place signage on bike routes for local cyclists. The signage is to encourage both cyclists and drivers to share the roads when needed.

For community members wishing to see the current draft, it’s available on the Township of Uxbridge’s website.

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