UXBRIDGE: Various safety improvements for the Goodwood community and surrounding area are set to roll out over the next four years, with many projects set to begin starting this year. The proposed enhancements to roads, streetscapes, and crosswalks will increase community safety for all road users.
The following are the planned improvements for the Goodwood area.
1. Installation of a roundabout at Goodwood Road and Brock Road, in Coppin's Corners: This project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2027/2028. Roundabouts maximize safety and minimize delay, while reducing emissions and fuel consumption. The Region plans to alter the streetscape of Goodwood Road, between Regional Highway 47 and Ridge Road. Changes include; new curbs, gutters and a boulevard. The modifications, to urbanize this stretch of road, will improve safety for all road users.
2. Two pedestrian signals are planned for installation in 2024:
The first is at Goodwood Road and Front Street, and the second is at Regional Highway 47 and Front Street.
3. A permanent Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) camera.
The Region will mount this on Regional Road 21 in Goodwood, with anticipated activation in Autumn 2023.
4. Dragons Teeth pavement markings, through the Vision Zero Pavement marking program, are planned for summer 2023 at the following locations: Regional Highway 47, entering Goodwood from the west, eastbound direction. Regional Highway 47, entering Goodwood from the east, westbound direction. Regional Road 21, entering Goodwood from the east, westbound direction.
5. A Community Safety Zone designation on Regional Road 21, from Regional Highway 47 to Stonesthrow Crescent, was recently installed.
"I've been an advocate for road safety for many years and have actively worked towards having these changes implemented. It is amazing to witness it become a reality. This is [a] great step toward improving the overall protection of those who live, play, and work within the area. Thank you to everyone at the Region who has helped make this happen," Ward 1 Councillor Pam Beach commented.
Bruce Garrod, Regional Councillor for the Township of Uxbridge, added, "I'm thankful for the continued efforts of the Works Department, at the Region of Durham, to design a plan to improve safety for the residents of Uxbridge Township and, in this case, Goodwood and Coppins Corners in particular."
"These changes will make it safer for Goodwood residents to walk or bike to parks and school, by calming traffic and making pedestrians a priority," explained Mayor Dave Barton. "I am very excited about these positive changes and thank the Region for listening to our residents, who have wanted these improvements for a long time."
Implementation timelines are estimates and are tentative.