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Regional Chair officially proclaims June as Seniors’ Month

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DURHAM: The following statement is was issued on behalf of John Henry, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer for The Regional Municipality of Durham: “On behalf of Regional Council, I have officially proclaimed June to be Seniors’ Month in the Region of Durham. Seniors’ Month is a time to recognize the valuable contributions that seniors have made, and continue to make, to our community. COVID-19 has had a detrimental effect on our senior population. Now, more than ever, seniors need our support. Be sure to connect with elderly neighbours or family members. Our seniors are vulnerable to feelings of isolation or loneliness in the best of times. With the current pandemic and the physical distancing measures that are in place, these feelings can be overwhelming. On the Region’s website, there is a list of local resources available to seniors and other vulnerable populations. We encourage seniors to reach out, if they are in need of groceries, other essential items or even [need] someone to talk to. We also want to thank those seniors who have stepped up, to help other people in the community during this time. Many seniors volunteer their time to various causes and organizations throughout the year, and during this pandemic, their efforts are even more appreciated. On June 15th, we recognized World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This is an official United Nations International Day, acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. Let’s all come together to support and thank our seniors. Seniors are a vibrant group, who help keep our community strong. Their continued impact on all generations cannot be underestimated.”


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