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LINDA LAKE Special to The Standard
Port Perry Seniors members return to the Latcham Centre Clubhouse for a busy schedule of interesting activities in September. New this year, the club will offer members: a Beginner Line Dancing class, Art Instruction, and Genealogy research support. Membership is just $20 for the year. Thanks to the generosity of volunteer facilitators, the dozens of activities offered are accessible to all 50+ members. Regular governance discussions are held with the membership on the second Wednesday of each month. This month, the Executive will report on and seek membership input on new business, offer a coffee hour, and also introduce local artist Stephen Rensink who designs and carves Native American-style flutes. The members meeting starts at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11th. On the fourth Wednesday of each month, Port Perry Seniors members are invited to a Pot Luck Dinner. Dinner on Wednesday, September the 25th, starting at 5 p.m. Local band “Blue Notes” will take to the stage at 6 p.m. and members are invited to enjoy some lively tunes and take to the dance floor. The Latcham Centre is located at 121 Queen Street, on the Port Perry waterfront. The club phone number is 905-982-2192.
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