I know it can be very stressful for some families now that online schooling for children has been extended. It is important to remember you are not alone. Rolling Hills Public School and Grandview Public School have great groups on Facebook. If you haven’t already joined, look into it. They have lots of support and helpful information.
It’s so nice to see the community enjoying skating and playing hockey on the pond. It’s great the community has come together to help clean off and flood the pond. Thank you to those that helped make skating fun for families during these tough times.
Pontypool community group on Facebook has some great old photos of Pontypool. It is neat to see how the community has changed over the years and learn some history of Pontypool. Check it out.
Remember, during these hard times to check in on the elderly and people living on their own.
Even a call could make their day.
Stay safe and healthy.