At the time of writing this opinion piece, I have been working as an intern for The Standard for about a week. As you likely do not know, I am a very introverted person. Self-isolating has never been a problem for me since it comes naturally. Introversion is not always a positive trait for people to display, but it can have its benefits. This is especially true during this time, of the COVID-19 pandemic, where self-isolation is key to preventing the spread of the virus. Since I am an introvert it has been fairly easy for me to stay inside without becoming too bored. Aside from working on stories and various articles for The Standard, I have reverted back to holing myself inside my bedroom, taking refuge in creative hobbies. I have always had an interest in drawing and writing. According to my family, I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil. Drawing gives me the time to focus on something other than the pandemic. I believe many people are going stir crazy because they have not taken the time in the past to develop hobbies outside of surrounding themselves with friends, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But, I think, many people have become too reliant on social interaction and use it almost as a crutch, in which they refuse to allow themselves to spend time alone. During the latter half of March, when colleges and universities were beginning to switch classes to online, I learned solitude is more entertaining to me than surrounding myself with people. Although I do enjoy meeting with my friends, I find I am just as happy sitting by myself and drawing or writing. Focusing on introversion has actually given me a more positive outlook for when the pandemic comes to an end. By this I mean, if everyone returns to their “normal” lives, I think they will learn to appreciate artists more. Many artists tend to be introverted, and it is, typically, in solitude where they produce their work. Hopefully, by doing the right thing and self-isolating, many people will come to appreciate alone time a little bit more and also not take for granted what many introverts have given to society.